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Grow with us

Ready to put your skills to work? Send us a message and a summary of your experience and future endeavors. We’re always interested in getting to know talented individuals who can add value to our services. We'll get in touch once the right role for you becomes available. We're always on the lookout for:


College graduate with a background in Business, Engineering, Economics, Finance, Accounting, or related degree. No prior experience necessary.


Bachelor’s degree or higher, preferably with a concentration in a computational field such as Computer Science or Computer Engineering, with 0-2 years of experience in Software Design and Development.


College graduate with a background in Business, Engineering, Economics, Finance, Accounting, or related degree. 2-4 years’ experience in Business or Systems Analysis or Process Improvement field.


Bachelor’s degree or higher, preferably with a concentration in a computational field such as Computer Science or Computer Engineering, with 2-4 years of experience in Software Design and Development.


College graduate with a background in Business, Engineering, Economics, Finance, Accounting, or related degree. 4-6 years of experience in Business or Systems Analysis or Process Improvement field. Demonstrated ability to manage teams.


Bachelor’s degree or higher, preferably with a concentration in a computational field such as Computer Science or Computer Engineering, with 4+ years of experience in Software Design and Development.


 6-8 years of experience in Business or Systems Analysis or Process Improvement field. Demonstrated ability to manage multi-functional teams. Prior experience in Business Strategy alignment processes.


If you would like to join our team, but are not sure which position to apply to, share your resumé with us! We will love to get to know you!

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PR 1510 Ave. Ponce de León * Studio 6A * San Juan, PR 00909 * Tel. 939.204.1439

NY 276 5th Ave. * Suite 704 * New York, NY  10001

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